Well, there’s always a goal for starting a thread. I’m sure, learning is one of them. So let’s always be nice. Hehehe.
Given the title though and the many reactions here, it makes me wonder, is this just to promote some products, say BDOs UITFS, create a controversy, call all PMTers to a “get-together” or to simply define the terms. Which by the way, are pretty much being achieved, here, most singlehandedly by the one who started it, kinda impressive i may say, and no offense, hehehe.
Except for the logic and the definition of terms.
To be honest, like many others probably here, i find the title a little bit offensive, really. Hehehe. Not because I am a LOSER (yes, I am pretty much convinced that I’m not) but because I am a SAVER too, and an investor, but with the present economic crunch, more of the former and not YET a GAINER. But ironically, right now, I am LOSING my money NOT in SAVING, but rather in INVESTING. So if you come to think of it, though I know what the thread is trying to get across (that saving can’t beat inflation), the LOGIC behind the statement (that savers are losers) FALTERS (because losing is also possible ininvesting). If I have to agree on it, it has to be figuratively and not literally. Hehehe.
There are only 2 sets of terms here that need defining. Saving vs Investing, Losing vs Gaining. With saving and investing , though 2 different concepts, are both IMPORTANT means in amassing wealth. You need both to achieve your financial goal.
Saving by definition is putting your money in savings accounts, TDs, or money markets for the protection and preservation of money from loss, which gains interest but not enough to beat inflation in the long term.
Investing on the other hand, is committing your money in risky vehicles such as stocks and mutual funds, which may lose in the short term but gain in the long term due to an overall upward pattern.
We INVEST to cover our future needs. We SAVE to address our short-term necessities, at the same time PROTECTING your investment capital given that your money in the bank is always intact and accessible for emergencies, unlike your investments.
As you can see, sir FutureGizmo is right, there is no debate here. Because we realize in the end, it’s not really saving or investing that will make you a loser or a gainer, but rather its your decisions, and money management that will make you one, LITERALLY.
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