As we come to the end of the year. I try to look back at the year that is just hours to passing. And try to reflect on the things that I have learned from the past 365 (err, 364) days.
I’ve learned that...
If you perceive somebody as weak, it’s just that. A perception. For all you know, it’s you who are weak for even entertaining the thought.
If you think you are wise and mature. It may be just that. A thought. Hehehehehehe. So dig deeper before you brag about it.
It’s easy to learn forex. It’s hard to keep your account alive. Nor your confidence And that there are a lot of strategies. Just limited funds. Hehehehehe.
That life doesn’t end with a failure. It ends when you die. Literally.
That sometimes people do stupid things. To take the pain away. Making them stupid? Well I’d say human. Hehehehe.
That it’s not what you have that matters. But how much. Hehehehe. Most importantly, who you have. And how much is your networth. Combined. Wahahahaha!.
That money can’t buy love. But something for a loved one.
That no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life has to go on. Because you have no other option. Do you?
I’ve learned that if you haven’t done what needs to be done today. There is tomorrow. Well, hopefully. Hehehehe. So better do it today.
I’ve learned that you don’t need to spend much cash in order to be beautiful or handsome. Just find somebody who finds you one. Hehehehe. Or better yet, go to a public hospital. Nyahahahaha.
That opportunities don’t come knocking once. But a lot of times. But what counts is letting it in.
That you don’t look for happiness. It finds you. Instead, focus on your family and friends. And the things that matters most. As in focus. Hehehehe.
That I still don’t know what success really means.
It’s not important that the people you love and care, would love and care you back. Aba’y problema na nila yun.
That life is a series of complications. No matter how hard you keep it simple, troubles will find you. So be strong.
When you learn something from a mistake. It’s not a mistake. But an experience. So don’t regret.
That a fall is painful. Very.
That you will forget what you said, or did. But not what you felt.
That time is not gold. It is diamond.
That things are easier said than done. At least they are said. Hehehehehe.
Same goes with values. Hehehehehe.
Happy New Year!
and belated Merry Christmas!